A solitary figure walks along a railroad in late November of 1912. He is a slim, handsome, dark haired man of thirty-six. His dress shoes are scuffed and muddied; his tie is askew. He walks fixedly ahead, stopping here and there to look around him or up at the sun peeking from the edges of…
By December of 1921, Eugene Debs, prominent American labor leader, dedicated activist and five time Socialist candidate for President of the United States, had been imprisoned since April of 1919. Now he was to be released on Christmas Day of 1921, thanks to President Warren Harding of Marion, Ohio. Harding asked Debs to visit the…
Continue ReadingI eased my car beneath a railroad overpass, slowed down outside a chain link fence and stopped. A few scattered raindrops fell, and the occasional rubbery grind of the windshield wipers punctuated the engine’s steady purr. Before me loomed the bulk of the BASF chemical factory in Elyria, Ohio. There’s nothing here to indicate this…
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I am a poet, writer, and teacher in Cincinnati, OH.
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